Below is a copy of a Facebook post I wrote after the recent Supreme Court Ruling on Marriage. I know lots of people and have been moved by the combinations of fear and joy in peoples posts and conversations. I wanted to engage people in an in-person / face-to-face way and hear how people really would express themselves if given the opportunity. I do not consider this a complete sample of the population view but was happy to have the experience and meet some new folks. I look forward to talking with and meeting some more folks...Roy G. Biv is an acronym for the colors of the rainbow. My take away from the culmination of this experience thus far is we are all Roy G. Biv and we shine brightly at various and modulating frequencies and wavelengths along the spectrum of Light. Shine!
I Met Roy G. Biv Today
met Roy G. Biv today...pretty cool cat...kind of all over the place
though. Amazing what can happen in such a brief moment when you're open
to an experience. It happened so fast, I was shown so much, I was not
even expecting it. So challenging but really still so easy. Once I
stopped thinking and just opened up to the opportunity, I learned a lot about
myself and another as well. Pretty cool cat, kind of all over the place
though. Catch ya' on the flip-side Roy G. Biv. Hope you learned as
much as I did :-)
Thanks Dr. Thompson for our discussions and for being open to design and flow of the project.
Some notes regarding guidelines, concept and goals...
We had a time limit for length and time to work on this project. If I had only chosen 4 or 5 people, I would have been able to feature a deeper look at a smaller sample of people. I wanted to pay respect to the people that took time to share with me (I hope I did so) and chose a different path for the edit.
With regard to completion of my masters degree...Although I have been rolling around and increasing the desire to do so, this project was not intended to be a maiden voyage toward the utilization of audio and video capture as a method for the presentation of research in lieu of papers. Our world is full of technology and I feel that the use of multi-media is viable and broad reaching as a vehicle for education and research presentation. As an after thought and within what I had for footage, I attempted to establish that a survey of people can be taken and that an hypothesis can be explored. The concept I developed and attempted to present, was around the questions of human origin and human nature, how technology and social media has influenced the nature of communication and how the "personal" medium of Facebook and the way we communicate within its walls, is different from how we communicate in person. My thought was that people may say what they think about something from the comfort of a keyboard, but when asked to express on a topic in person or truly outwardly, that willingness to do so may change. I'll elaborate on this by adding that, on the whole, if their opinion differs from what is the majority social statement at any given time, they will clam up. That assertion was somewhat supported by a number of people who were not open to or in my opinion, feared the opportunity to express themselves in a face-to-face situation by not participating or by not really engaging the question regarding "impression" of the photo.
I finally chose to go with a concept that could be perceived as artistic in form, but if reviewed and contemplated, that hopefully something else could be interpreted or impressed. Still neutral and respectful of individual and or collective opinions and passion and remarking/bringing to light on a dynamic of a phenomena(s) at the same time.
Upon hearing feedback, some got it and some did not. I am good with that for a lot of reasons. At the least, so far anyway, feedback has been positive, it has stimulated discussion and informed. My intent was to say something in a video that was engaging, informative and included as many "faces" as possible in a very short period of time and still meet the class assignment requirements and deadline for the final video project. As I stated in the beginning of the video, " turned out to be more than I thought it would and that is a very pleasant surprise...". That is a mild statement for the possibilities of exploring the nature of human and utilizing multi-media as a vehicle for it.