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Thursday, May 5, 2016

ZIT-ING : Lyeing Belief Laying Beneath


if revisions continue, this will update in my NOTES section in my facebook link above....
ZIT-ING: Lyeing Belief Laying Beneath or Espressing Processes or Matters
photo: "THOUGHT" - I shot this photo in a cove of a multi-leveled cave. A cove with revolving passageways leading inside and out, respectively. Passageways to which millions have been presented in many forms, but few have witnessed as they roam, traverse, travel or trudge its being, as we do.
The entirety of the note below is a product of thoughts generated from a Facebook post. I created the original post as a result of notice that Mr. Ted Cruz had ceased his run for President of the United States. Below is a copy of the post...
I'll bet Cruz is on #7 rum and coke, might have even sneaked in a smoke and wished he had a buddy from the old days to bern one with. I mean, we're all human and the man did step into the ring for a few rounds...It had to hurt to throw in the towel. I'm sticking to my day-one's gonna be a Trump and Sanders race...
A continuation of thought is below...
Yes, the result is Trump wins. I did elaborate once before on my original prediction for the race outcome and on some short term and long term effect of the election result. Basically what is perceived as growth is more like a growing pain. I think we want change but the process toward it is beyond the investment and trust requirements and abilities of a fractured mind and pain filled emotional body collective. Other elements are required. One being...Heart!
With the Trump seated, a heavily economic based foreign policy works on the surface for a few years, as the perception of economic prosperity satisfies the anxiety and neediness of conditioned immediacy; exacerbated yet paradoxically settling in the surfacing message bombardment being pounded into ears and egos of the masses. A deeper reality, beyond the surface, and into the complexities of individuals, cultures and myths, not uniform or focused under a human cause; will bring to surface once again, the underlying causes of issues. With disassociation, intolerance, greed and ego as drivers, this segmented collection of elements move and motivate. The previous being in contrast to the vulnerable openness of fully being undefined as humans and society. Another way to view this is like an unfortunate festering zit, a by-product of pubescence, though a process of growth. In this case, physical age is not the measure of growth and development of an individual or a culture. There seems to be an unwillingness to release the personal and collective holdings that restrain progress, and a clinching to selective and collective, falsehoods and definitions of what being right and rich is. We, as a world will continue to fester until we grow in collective body, and not by identify through separation. Even though on occasion, as adults we still get'em (zits)...Reflect now, on the adolescent moments of popping a zit in the mirror. Among other things, it can be a personal, contemplative, satisfying, sadistic, compulsive, addicting, embarrassing, vulnerable and messy experience. With regard to the zit metaphor, I’ll squeeze in a pop-ular and puny creation of the Mr’s Cheech and Chong, to assist in revealing in another way, the matter of slathering over what lies beneath the surface...If Dr. Zitsoff pimple pads and plastic filler was the cure all, there would not be issue around the process of expressing on espressing. The fact is, in terms of human growth and development..zits never go away. Origins and revelations live much deeper than the surface, and the zit is a necessary peak for viewing a deeply rooted issue and for the process of exorcising a deeper root byproduct of life, literal and metaphorically stated. I entertain a thought on occasion...the moment we think we are grown up, via some mythic context, right of passage or otherwise, is the moment we begin to suppress the natural and youthful experience of growth; all for the sake of a perception and grasp of structurally, contextually and culturally manufactured defines of adulthood. We are timeless souls in the skins of a measured existence form. We have learned to associate truth via a tool called mind. A tool that in part functions as a processor to satisfy its own need to access and associate and to define through comparison, what something is or is not. In part, the process is a function of primitive survival, the mind processes and moves on. We are not our mind, that is where the confusion comes in. We buy as truth, a processed reality without revisiting it for validity. In nature, things change and there is no constant; we only have a measure of prediction. To give example, watch a weather report/prediction on the news and then observe what happens within a spectrum of time as it passes. We have to re-evaluate constantly. We have bought a thought of real, that is not. We are individual but not separate, we are one. The unitive is not mind, it is heart; though thought based intention manifests connections or divisions through energetic focus of concepts held both individually and collectively. Heart...that is where we left off and where we are going...Perceptually variant in shadow’s depths, it will be fearfully painful and messy, or it has the possibility of surfacing clearly and clean breaking. Time to start...time to look in the mirror and perhaps engage in a deeper cleanse. Along with the literal, I sense it is time to consciously engage in a figuratively deeper cleanse. Many spiritual traditions do engage in forms of cleansing. Buddhists, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Pagans and other spiritual traditions, engage in cleansing for several different means and utilize water as a medium. Water is transforming and transformative. Our bodies systems rely on and demand water to function. Use it, they say deep cleansing will reduce the scaring. Stay hydrated my friends...
RESOURCES RELATING to the ABOVE, BELOW and BEYOND - Ken Wilber on Integral Education - Ken Wilber on Levels of Development - Ted Talk-Science V. God