Thoughts on Logic, Reason
and Extinction...A Walk in the Park
: a note spurred from a quick read in the New Yorker…
In my
opinion, a curious thing about most research is it and observer only believe what it
sees. A collective and comprehensive projection of compiled phenomena is only said to be true when it is observed
(all so very relative to the perception of the viewer’s lens). Here is an example research assertion for
thought... One day dinosaurs will be extinct.
We know this to be true, but our mind and discipline will only allow us
to believe it when we see...all of our math has to have a number after the
"=" so we can prove it to be true.
Prove, this supposition. Climate
change is real. Human is expediting a
naturally occurring process at magnificently exponential rates. Therefore, human, by its own hand, is
increasing the death rate and extinction of its own via its actions and denial
of consequence. Unnaturally, we are building in an environment that cannot
naturally recuperate from the demands of its inhabitants. Darwin elaborated on
the "survival of the fittest". It considers the actions of a natural
world. What we build is not
natural. We may win in a survival
battle, as we are essentially the top of the food chain. We can construct, blowup, melt, by-produce and
equate more than any other physically known thing on this planet. The issue is, we are using the planet as our
laboratory and lab monkey. The monkey
can only take so much. A monkey will die
or, if given the opportunity, naturally defend itself. The Earth and creation
is much larger than us in free standing, though we are of it, and it is of
us. It naturally seeks balance...biosemiosis
to function in Holon. The universe is
natural in order and will do naturally to compensate and maintain balance on a
concept of time far beyond the tick-tock of a second hand of a time clock…the
one "we" call real. We are a
part of a whole. The body fights
dis-ease, seasons cycle and stars burn out.
In a system, dependent on balance, the system finds a way to naturally
isolate and destroy a factor and perceived invader that fashions itself as demanding, aggressive or in control. Again, we are
not bigger than the spark of life, we are a part of the spark and we can be
dimmed abruptly as a result of our egocentric
endeavors of selfishness separation, selective blindness and greed. I assert the plant/universe/creation/spark
will win against this (our) invasion. It is
not personal it is survival, natural inherent survival. It is the design of chaos and order, it is
the space between the finger of God and the universe. It is the web of life that is interconnected
and senses the breeze and the break of a link as profoundly the same. Would you
allow invasion without defense? We are
offending the plant we inhabit. We are effecting systems about us, that
comprehension is "mind-blowing" in the nature of what we collectively
consider as real. We may be blessed to
one day have comprehension and vision of of the whirling beauty of
"It All" - all that is. Meanwhile, or planet is changing and we are exponentially effecting the
change. Do you really want to be around and a part of the proof/answer to an assertion that we are the cause of our own extinction? Get it together people, we hold a wand,
and can build and destroy just the same. Mind, effort, inconsideration, greed,
consumption and denial as a mindset for progress, on one side of the coin,
builds. In part, It has created what we have now...a degradation of conscience,
consequence, accountability and environment by the result of our own actions
and for "progress". To
continue to "build" what we equate as progress, will expedite the endangerment and extinction of the this case humans being. Do we really need to see the result post
"=" to know the factors are leading up the an inevitable sum. That is not science. This is
"head-in-the-sand" enacting of plausible deniability, ignorance, insanity and greed. In agreement with or not from
a political point of view, Mr. Obama said something recently that seems to be a
sentiment of heart that we all, at some level, desire and may be able to
collectively ensure for everyone in the future.
"In twenty years or so, if I am still around, I would like to be
able to take my grandkids on a walk through the park."
Larry Cashion
Be Well
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